Android App Development

How-To: Retrofit, Moshi, Coroutines & Recycler View for REST Web Service Operations with Kotlin for Android

It might be overwhelming to choose the best way to access a web service from your Android app. Maybe all you want is to parse JSON from a web service and show it in a list in your Kotlin app for Android, while still being future-proof with a library like Retrofit. As a bonus, it’d be great if you could also perform CRUD operations (create, read, update, delete) with the data.

You can choose from basic Java-style HTML requests, or go up to full-scale MVVM design patterns with the new Android Architecture Components. Your source code will look entirely different depending on what approach you chose – so it’s important to make a good choice right at the beginning.

In this article, I’ll show a walk-through using many of the newest components for a modern solution:

Updated on December 15th, 2020: the solution projects on GitHub have been migrated to the latest versions and dependencies. Most importantly, the new solutions now also use Jetpack View Bindings instead of Kotlin synthetics. The text in this article is still the original.

Updated on July 4th, 2019: Google is transitioning the additional libraries to AndroidX. Nothing changes in terms of behavior with regards to our example. I’ve updated the source code examples on GitHub to use AndroidX instead of the Android Support libraries.

Android App Development NFC

NFC Tags, NDEF and Android (with Kotlin)

In this article, you will learn how to add NFC tag reading to an Android app. It registers for auto-starting when the user taps a specific NDEF NFC tag with the phone. In addition, the app reads the NDEF records from the tag.


Apple added support for reading NFC tags with iOS 11 in September 2017. All iPhones starting with the iPhone 7 offer an API to read NFC tags. While Android included NFC support for many years, this was the final missing piece to bring NFC tag scenarios to the masses.

Android App Development

How To: RecyclerView with a Kotlin-Style Click Listener in Android

In this article, we add a click listener to a RecyclerView on Android. Advanced language features of Kotlin make it far easier than it has been with Java. However, you need to understand a few core concepts of the Kotlin language.

To get started with the RecyclerView, follow the steps in the previous article or check out the finished project on GitHub.

Updated on December 15th, 2020: the solution projects on GitHub have been migrated to the latest versions and dependencies. Most importantly, the new solutions now also use Jetpack View Bindings instead of Kotlin synthetics. The text in this article is still the original.

Updated on July 4th, 2019: Google is transitioning the additional libraries to AndroidX. Nothing changes in terms of behavior with regards to our example. I’ve updated the source code examples on GitHub to use AndroidX instead of the Android Support libraries.

Android App Development

Kotlin & RecyclerView for High Performance Lists in Android

RecyclerView is the best approach to show scrolling lists on Android. It ensures high performance & smooth scrolling, while providing list elements with flexible layouts. Combined with modern language features of Kotlin, the code overhead of the RecyclerView is greatly reduced compared to the traditional Java approach.

Updated on December 15th, 2020: the solution projects on GitHub have been migrated to the latest versions and dependencies. Most importantly, the new solutions now also use Jetpack View Bindings instead of Kotlin synthetics. The text in this article is still the original.

Updated on July 4th, 2019: Google is transitioning the additional libraries to AndroidX. Nothing changes in terms of behavior with regards to our example. I’ve updated the source code examples on GitHub to use AndroidX instead of the Android Support libraries.

Sample Project: PartsList – Getting Started

In this article, we’ll walk through a sample scenario: a scrolling list for a maintenance app, listing machine parts: “PartsList”. However, this scenario only affects the strings we use – you can copy this approach for any use case you need.